If you are fed up of guesswork with composite dentistry
If you know you are undercharging for composite restorations
If you are a seasoned pro who needs a simpler system for direct
If you are newly qualified, and want to build a solid restorative foundation
If you are anxious about restoring subgingival cavities
If you are uncertain on what is restorable
Tackle Subgingival Cavities
Perform Deep Margin Elevation
Obtain Reliable Isolation
Achieve Proper Contacts & Navigate Wide Spaces
Have No Risk Of Overhangs and Ledges
Restore Irregularly Shaped Teeth
Restore "Apple Cores" & "Wrap Around" Caries
Manage Overgrown Gingiva & Maintain Gingival Health
Avoid Kinks and Voids
Deal With Broken Cusps
Deal With Concavities
Close Black Triangles/Diastema
Perform Efficient Pre Endodontic Build Ups
Avoid Pulpal Exposure
Communicate Fees Confidently
Increase Case Acceptance
Increase Your Speed
Enjoy Dentistry More!
You Will Learn
You will be able to tackle a wide range of clinical challenges - ranging from the humble Class II restoration to an sweat-inducing subgingival incisor build up.
The best part - this is all achievable with instruments and equipment you already have in your surgery. Everything else we provide you!
One System To Rule Them All
One System
To Rule Them All
We provide all you need to practice the DRE Way from day one.
No more post-course shopping lists, and endless sifting through a matrix box.
You will learn how to guide your patients to the decision that’s best for them.
Plus, how you can increase your case acceptance, AND have patients sing your praises to their friends.
You will find out how to have the crucial conversations that help your patients to take action.
We'll also share how to avoid those awkward conversations when things don't go to plan.
Consent forms are easily invalidated with one statement: ‘I didn’t understand what I signed’
We share our method to ensure you get informed consent - so you can avoid the stress of unmet expectations.
You deserve to be compensated for your training, knowledge, and skill level.
We dive into setting & presenting fees so you can escape commodity pricing, and avoid ‘free patch-ups’.
And, you can use those same tools to help your patients understand their diagnosis.
Ready To Practice Next Day
Ready To Practice Next Day
Better yet, you'll be able to implement what you learn in practice, so you can enjoy more predictable composite restorations straight away!
Bite-sized, on-demand videos fit seamlessly into your busy schedule. Progress at your own speed, on your own terms.
Principles Of Composite Bonding The core principles for successful bonding which can be applied right away for better bonding.
Introduction To The
Greater Curve Matrix System
Let us share why the Greater Curve is so powerful and is trusted by 10,000s of dentists around the globe.
Shortcomings of
Sectional Matrices
Sectionals are all the rage on the internet but they do have their issues, here we discuss those and how we can overcome them.
Neutral is Best
Learn how to restore teeth in a neutral position. Surprisingly we do not rely on wedges to separate teeth in order to get a contact!
Hands On Your Hardware
Unpacking your kit so we are clear on terminology, what each component does and how it works.
Achieving Proper Contacts
Getting contacts between teeth, isn't always predictable. We break this down and share how we achieve proper contacts every time.
BOSS Method
The signature DRE approach for void free composites. Do it like a BOSS!
Tooth Anatomy &
Composite Placement
A simple way to conceptualise how teeth are shaped and how we can achieve this in the mouth.
Case Videos
Example cases of restoring teeth start to finish so you know what to expect on your hands on day.
Dr Sunny brings military precision to the DRE Hands-on day. The day is meticulously planned to give you the most value - which means high reps, high intensity, and plenty of support.
Personalised Coaching
Personalised Coaching
Small groups. Multiple DRE Trainers. Receive the one-on-one attention you need to excel.
All Inclusive Kit
All Inclusive Kit
Walk away with everything you need: The Greater Curve Starter Kit, The DRE Composite Bur Kit, and all the additional pieces of kit.
Start the DRE way on Monday - no extra orders needed.
Fuel up with morning pastries. Recharge over a restaurant lunch. Toast your hard work at the evening reception.
(We cater to all dietary needs, with both alcoholic and non-alcoholic options.)
Practical Rubber Dam
Rubber Dam, love it or hate it, learn our approach and spend no more than 60-90 seconds getting set up with perfect isolation!
Back To Back Posteriors
Let's get practicing the DRE approach for restoring simple and complex posterior cavities.
Tricky Class 3 & 5
Next up our novel approach to restoring Class 3 and 5 cavities simply and effectively.
Extreme Class 4
We challenge you with an extreme subgingival Class 4 which you'll restore freehand. See for yourself why Mylar strips and sectionals may not be the best choice.
Introduction to Sales & Communication
Our essential protocol for when tackling severely damaged teeth, so patients are clear and we can charge the appropriate fees.
Introduction to
Technology & Workflows
Take advantage of the technology and workflows we use in daily practice to make the whole day smoother and more enjoyable!
The learning doesn't stop after hands-on day. Your cohort continues online with webinars and real-time feedback for 6 full weeks to build on your new skills.
Never practice alone. Post a question in your DRE Community group and get same-day expert answers.
Deep dive into sales tactics, effective communication, risk mitigation, and streamlined workflows so that dentistry becomes much more enjoyable.
Building On The Fundamentals
The complete DRE Subgingival Methodology
(Anterior, Posterior & Class 5)
Deep Margin Elevation made easy
The HOW Technique to manage bleeding
Simple yet accurate Gingivectomy anybody can do
Digit Pressure Technique for subgingival proximal faces
Troubleshooting common problems
Let's get more precise
Posterior restoration finishing
Managing concavities (Gradual and Acute)
Clever applications of MicroThin matrix bands
Emphasising emergence counters with Brass matrix bands
Restoring last tooth in the arch
The do's & dont's of PTFE Tape
Pre Endodontic workflow to speed you up
The truth about biologic width invasion
De-risking our daily practice
Situational awareness to keep our patients safe
How to avoid missing pathology using AI
Automating the consent process to save you time
Ensuring patients fully understand so they can say yes
Approaching amalgam replacement
Avoiding pulp exposure with caries dye
Managing pulp exposure if it happens
Using pins and posts
The direct vs indirect debate
Advanced Techniques & Procedures
Direct composite cuspal coverage using Quadrant Stamp Technique
Direct composite black triangle closure
Direct composite diastema closure
The use of bulk fill materials
Ribbond for fractures
Ribbond for direct bridges
Bonding to porcelain
Sales & Communication
Sales scripts vs High Level Principles
Pre-suasion: How people decide before meeting you
Knowing the rules of the game: So we stay on side
Presenting private options: 2 powerful conversations to immediately grow production
Effective use of upsells and downsells for case acceptance
Handling objections
Fee setting and alternatives to commodity pricing
DRE Community Group
Lifetime Access To An Active WhatsApp Support Group
Be part of the discussions with over 200 like minded clinicians including the likes of Dr Jaz Gulati, Dr Devang Patel and Dr Sahil Patel
Troubleshoot ANY issue - from the fundamentals to full quadrant restorations
Learn the newest tips & tricks in composite dentistry
Share your cases and receive bespoke feedback
Lifetime Access To An Active WhatsApp Support Group
Be part of the discussions with
over 200 like minded clinicians
including the likes of
Dr Jaz Gulati, Dr Devang Patel and Dr Sahil Patel
Troubleshoot ANY issue - from the fundamentals to full quadrant restorations
Learn the newest tips & tricks in composite dentistry
Share your cases and receive bespoke feedback
The Results
Tackle Subgingival Cavities & Elevate Deep Margins
Obtain Reliable Standalone Isolation
& Enhanced Rubber Dam Isolation
Achieve Proper Contacts & Navigate Wide Spaces
Have No Risk Of Overhangs and Ledges
Restore Irregularly Shaped Teeth
Restore "Apple Cores" & "Wrap Around" Caries
Manage Overgrown Gingiva & Maintain Gingival Health
Avoid Kinks and Voids
Deal With Broken Cusps
Close Black Triangles/Diastema
Perform Efficient Pre Endodontic Build Ups
& Avoid Pulpal Exposure
Communicate Fees Confidently
Gain Informed Consent
Tackle Subgingival Cavities
Perform Deep Margin Elevation
Obtain Reliable Isolation
Achieve Proper Contacts & Navigate Wide Spaces
Have No Risk Of Overhangs and Ledges
Restore Irregularly Shaped Teeth
Restore "Apple Cores" & "Wrap Around" Caries
Manage Overgrown Gingiva & Maintain Gingival Health
Avoid Kinks and Voids
Deal With Broken Cusps
Deal With Concavities
Close Black Triangles/Diastema
Perform Efficient Pre Endodontic Build Ups
Avoid Pulpal Exposure
Communicate Fees Confidently
Increase Case Acceptance
Increase Your Speed
Enjoy Dentistry More!
The DRE Composite Course is an entire pathway to direct restorative excellence; The Greater Curve is our tool of choice to achieve this.
It’s about how we use this tool to create predictable outcomes - tackling the tricky scenarios that we all face in clinical practice.
Our ultimate aim is for you to achieve direct restorative mastery - so that you can get the results that you and your patients deserve every time.
The DRE Course has been designed to accommodate dentists from every stage in their careers - from safe beginners to seasoned pros.
In fact - you are at a massive advantage developing a solid restorative foundation early in your career.
We do cover anterior composite restorations - which includes class 3, class 4 , class 5 on your hands on day so you get the foundations of aesthetic restorations first.
From here you'll be able to tackle more difficult anterior build ups, edge bonding & full coverage composite veneers.
We have dedicated follow on modules including hands on training to hone specific areas including composite bonding for those who want to further advance.
If for any reason you feel that the DRE Composite Course has not lived up to your expectations, just speak to Dr Sunny at the end of the hands on day, explain why you feel that way and he will give you your money back - no stress, no problem and no hard feelings.
(By the way this has NEVER happened but the offer is genuine, that's why you have absolutely ZERO risk when you enrol).
If the margins are subgingival than an indirect restoration may not help you navigate that.
Having a well bonded composite restoration beneath the indirect restoration will have the best chance of success. Foundations first.
Our approach will enable you to perform deep margin elevation (DME) predictably in order to facilitate an indirect restoration more easily.
We want you to have the very best learning experience.
That’s why we only allow a maximum of 25 delegates per Cohort.
It means your DRE Course instructor (The Drill Sergeant) and Training Staff will be able to give you the one on one time you need to get the most of of your investment.
Saturday 16th November 2024
Tower Suites by Blue Orchid Hotels
100 Minories
London, EC3N 1JY
0203 972 1600
Networking - Drinks Reception
©2025 DRE Composite Ltd - All Rights Reserved
©2025 DRE Composite Ltd - All Rights Reserved